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南湖新闻网讯(通讯员 王敏)近日,我校棉花团队袁道军副教授与爱荷华州立大学、美国农业部合作研究成果发表,研究对643份异源四倍体棉花深度重测序了,综合已发表的1000余份棉花重测序资源,构建了异源四倍体棉花的系统发生树,量化了其遗传多样性和瓶颈,获得了驯化选择和遗传改良的基因组选择区间,确定了陆地棉、海岛棉驯化起源和扩散的平行路径,并揭示了两个栽培棉种间的相互渗透规律,为棉花遗传改良提供了理论指导和丰富的遗传资源。

棉花(Gossypium spp.)是世界上最重要的经济作物之一,是天然可再生纤维、食用油和蛋白质的重要来源。目前世界上广泛种植的棉花是两个异缘四倍体棉种:陆地棉(G. hirsutum L.)和海岛棉(G. barbadense L.) ,产出全世界97%以上的纤维。两个棉种均起源于美洲,在至少4000年前被人类驯化。人工驯化和遗传改良过程改变了棉花种子休眠丧失、纤维变长变白变多、光周期敏感性丢失等表型性状。








The two cultivated allopolyploid cottons, Gossypium hirsutum and Gossypium barbadense, represent a remarkable example of parallel independent domestication, both involving dramatic morphological transformations under selection from wild perennial plants to annualized row crops. Deep resequencing of 643 newly sampled accessions spanning the wild‐to‐domesticated continuum of both species, and their allopolyploid relatives, are combined with existing data to resolve species relationships and elucidate multiple aspects of their parallel domestication. It is confirmed that wild G. hirsutum and G. barbadense were initially domesticated in the Yucatan Peninsula and NW South America, respectively, and subsequently spread under domestication over 4000–8000 years to encompass most of the American tropics. A robust phylogenomic analysis of infraspecific relationships in each species is presented, quantify genetic diversity in both, and describe genetic bottlenecks associated with domestication and subsequent diffusion. As these species became sympatric over the last several millennia, pervasive genome‐wide bidirectional introgression occurred, often with striking asymmetries involving the two co‐resident genomes of these allopolyploids. Diversity scans revealed genomic regions and genes unknowingly targeted during domestication and additional subgenomic asymmetries. These analyses provide a comprehensive depiction of the origin, divergence, and adaptation of cotton, and serve as a rich resource for cotton improvement.

