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南湖新闻网讯(通讯员 李晓露)近日, 我校资源与环境学院刘广龙老师团队在湖泊富营养化与水华发生机理研究方向上连续发表两篇研究论文。该论文发表于国际环境学术期刊Water Research。



图1 2000—2020年全球典型湖泊藻华暴发情况; 图引用自2021年全球生态环境遥感监测年度报告——全球典型湖泊生态环境状况, 中华人民共和国科学技术部国家遥感中心, 2021, DOI: 10.11878/rp.202110.001137.

磷是藻类水华暴发的限制元素,一定程度上决定了水体初级生产力水平。有机磷作为水体磷的重要组成部分,可通过生物矿化和化学分解转化为溶解态无机磷从而补偿藻类生长的磷素所需。然而,由于有机磷种类繁多加之结构复杂,导致传统表征技术,如连续提取和31P-NMR不能有效解析其转化过程。基于此,刘广龙老师团队基于已有研究和不断尝试,建立了基于傅里叶变换离子回旋共振质谱(FT-ICR MS)的有机磷组成和表征方法,并从分子尺度揭示了湖泊水体中DOP的光化学转化行为。研究结果发现,东湖中的DOP可以发生光化学转化从而释放溶解态无机磷。具有较高分子量(MW)、较高双键当量(DBE)的DOP分子优先降解,并生成具有较低MW、低DBE的DOP分子。同时,类脂类分子组分的总相对丰度(RA)由49.09%增加到55.90%,而类含氧芳香分子组分的RA由50.91%下降到44.10%(图2)。此外,天然水体中广泛存在的溶解性有机质(DOM)光诱导产生的羟基自由基(·OH)是DOP光解的主要驱动力。研究成果以“Molecular insight into the release of phosphate from dissolved organic phosphorus photo-mineralization in shallow lakes based on FT-ICR MS analysis”为题发表,博士生李晓露为论文的第一作者,刘广龙老师为论文的通讯作者。


图2. 基于多维化学计量化合物分类约束方式划分的类脂质和类含氧芳香分子组分的分布特征(a)光照前,(b)光照后以及二者的相对丰度(c)。

此外,刘广龙老师团队联合中国科学院水生生物研究所宋春雷副研究员研究发现,湖泊有机碳数量和组成差异可以影响沉积物硝酸盐还原途径,进而影响氮、磷循环过程。巢湖东、西两个湖区的季节性采样数据分析表明,西湖区藻华严重,藻类裂解导致较高的有机碳积累,生物同化导致的NO3--N缺乏。藻类水华期间沉积物缺氧导致的硝化作用受阻,共同导致高C/NO3--N,推动硝酸盐异化还原为铵(DNRA)超过反硝化作用成为主要过程。核磁共振结果表明,烷氧碳是诱导有机碳分解和DNRA过程的主要成分。对比发现,藻类水华和非藻类水华沉积物中参与碳氮代谢的细菌群落组成和多样性不同,藻类水华沉积物中细菌对NO3--N还原更为活跃(图3a)。相关分析表明,丰度较低的细菌种类,如硫杆菌和梭菌,分别与有机碳含量和NO3--N还原速率呈正相关(图3b)。因此,有机碳可以通过塑造特定的细菌群落来影响NO3--N还原。研究成果以“Organic carbon quantity and composition jointly modulate the differentiation of nitrate reduction pathways in sediments of the Chinese eutrophic lake, Lake Chaohu”为题发表,博士生高俊凯和刘广龙老师为论文的共同第一作者,宋春雷副研究员为论文的通讯作者。


图3 巢湖沉积物微生物群落(a)及其与硝酸盐还原速率、有机碳组成的相关性(b)。




Dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) is a key factor in the water eutrophication process because of its high potential bioavailability and inorganic phosphate (Pi) compensation ability through bio- and photo-mineralization. However, the research on the characterization and transformation of DOP is insufficient owing to their complex composition. This study investigates the release of dissolved Pi from DOP photo-mineralization in Lake Dong based on Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS) analysis. The results showed that the photo-release of dissolved Pi is spatially heterogeneous in Lake Dong and is consistent with the distribution of DOP concentration. The FT-ICR MS results showed that the simulated irradiation decreased the relative abundance (RA) of the DOP molecular formulae with higher molecular weight (MW) and higher double bond equivalence values (DBE), while the RA of DOP molecular formulae with lower MW and lower DBE value increased or remained. Besides, the total RA of lipid-like formulae increased from 49.09% to 55.90%, while the oxy-aromatic-like formulae decreased from 50.91% to 44.10%, suggesting that simulated irradiation would influence the potential bioavailability of DOP. As the main photolysis medium during DOP photo-mineralization, the hydroxyl radicals (∙OH) are mainly derived from dissolved organic matter (DOM) compared to the nitrate (NO3−) and iron ion (Fe3+) in Lake Dong. These results are important in understanding the ability and mechanism of DOP photo-mineralization and provide suggestions for cycling phosphorus in eutrophic shallow lakes.
