南湖新闻网讯(通讯员 冯娇)近日,华中农业大学资源与环境学院在生态/农业与生物科学领域期刊Biological Reviews上在线发表了题为“Trade-offs in carbon-degrading enzyme activities limit long-term soil carbon sequestration with biochar addition”的研究论文,明确了全球生物炭添加对土壤碳分解关键酶活性的影响,并阐明长期生物炭添加影响碳固持的驱动机制。
生物炭是生物质在高温缺氧环境下热解的产物,生物炭添加被认为是增加土壤碳固持及减缓大气CO2浓度增高的重要途径。近几十年来,生物炭添加被广泛采用,预计到2050年有望从大气中固持0.3–2.0 Pg CO2。然而,尽管众多研究表明生物炭添加对土壤碳固持有促进作用,但酶调控的分解过程如何影响长期土壤碳固持仍未知。
图1. 生物炭添加对土壤木质素酶、纤维素酶活性及其比例的影响
图2. 生物炭添加下酶介导的土壤碳固持机制概念模型
华中农业大学资源与环境学院冯娇副研究员为论文第一作者,刘玉荣教授和丹麦奥尔胡斯大学陈骥教授为论文共同通讯作者。新墨西哥大学Robert L. Sinsabaugh教授、托莱多大学Daryl L. Moorhead教授、奥尔胡斯大学Mathias Neumann Andersen教授、阿伯丁大学Pete Smith教授、华中农业大学黄巧云教授及硕士生余岱霖等也参与了该项研究。本研究得到了国家自然科学基金、欧盟“玛丽居里学者”等项目的资助。
Biochar amendment is one of the most promising agricultural approaches to tackle climate change by enhancing soil carbon (C) sequestration. Microbial-mediated decomposition processes are fundamental for the fate and persistence of sequestered C in soil, but the underlying mechanisms are uncertain. Here, we synthesise 923 observations regarding the effects of biochar addition (over periods ranging from several weeks to several years) on soil C-degrading enzyme activities from 130 articles across five continents worldwide. Our results showed that biochar addition increased soil ligninase activity targeting complex phenolic macromolecules by 7.1%, but suppressed cellulase activity degrading simpler polysaccharides by 8.3%. These shifts in enzyme activities explained the most variation of changes in soil C sequestration across a wide range of climatic, edaphic and experimental conditions, with biochar-induced shift in ligninase:cellulase ratio correlating negatively with soil C sequestration. Specifically, short-term (
审核人 刘玉荣