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核心提示:7月29日,我校园艺林学学院风景园林系城市生态健康诊断与蓝绿空间效能优化创新团队在城市空间通风效能识别与形态管控方面取得进展,研究成果以“A Comprehensive Morphological Classification Scheme for Local Ventilation Performance Zones in Spatially Heterogeneous Urban Areas”为题在工程领域国际学术期刊Developments in the Built Environment上发表

南湖新闻网讯(通讯员 李思韬)7月29日,我校园艺林学学院风景园林系城市生态健康诊断与蓝绿空间效能优化创新团队在城市空间通风效能识别与形态管控方面取得进展,研究成果以“A Comprehensive Morphological Classification Scheme for Local Ventilation Performance Zones in Spatially Heterogeneous Urban Areas”为题在工程领域国际学术期刊Developments in the Built Environment上发表。


针对以上问题,研究团队借鉴类型形态学方法(Typo-Morphological Approach),通过整合城市建筑群、街道网络两类“一实一虚”空间形态特征对局部气流组织的影响规律,创新性地提出从“透风(wind permeability, WP)、造风(wind reinforcing, WR)、导风(wind accessibility, WA)”三个层面以直观理解城市空间形态特征因子对局部通风效能的综合作用过程,构建了一套基于空间形态特征分类的局部通风效能区(local ventilation performance zone,LVPZ)分类框架(图1)及其指标评价体系(表1)。



表1 LVPZ分类指标评价体系

表1 LVPZ分类指标评价体系


图2 LVPZ地理空间单元的(a)水平空间维度;(b)单元边界形式;(c)空间划分肌理

图2 LVPZ地理空间单元的(a)水平空间维度;(b)单元边界形式;(c)空间划分肌理

表2 适用于空间异质化城市的18种典型LVPZ类型

表2 适用于空间异质化城市的18种典型LVPZ类型

图3 LVPZ分类系统在多尺度风敏性城市规划与设计过程的应用

图3 LVPZ分类系统在多尺度风敏性城市规划与设计过程的应用


英文摘要: Modifying urban-built structures is a promising strategy for ventilation enhancement when designing sustainable communities. However, incorporating ventilation considerations into planning processes can be challenging because of tradeoffs and synergy among effects of various urban forms on local ventilation efficiency. This study aims to comprehensively integrate morphological parameters from aerodynamic perspective to distinguish local ventilation efficiency within heterogeneous urban areas. By synthesizing influences of spatial factors on airflow,“wind permeability, wind reinforcing, and wind accessibility” were resolved to form the local ventilation performance zone (LVPZ) characterization framework and its parameterization system. Accordingly, a spatial division standard and typical types of LVPZ classification scheme were developed. With an LVPZ-map generated in Wuhan, stable wind speed sequences were observed and their ventilation performance differences were interpreted among LVPZs using wind monitoring and CFD simulation. This scheme helps planners to evaluate local ventilation performance and provide a decision support tool for wind-sensitive urban development.



责任编辑:蒋朝常 韩佳茵