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南湖新闻网讯(通讯员 郑宏运)近日,我校农业产业与技术经济团队与新西兰林肯大学Wanglin Ma副教授、Vatsa Puneet博士和北京大学周晓时博士合作的题为“Working hours and job satisfaction in China: A threshold analysis”的研究论文在China Economic Review发表,研究围绕中国家庭的工作时间如何影响工作满意度作了深度探究。


该研究基于2018年中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)的公开数据,采用门槛模型检验工作时间与工作满意度之间的非线性关系。利用基于工具变量的两阶段残差代入法解决工作时间的内生性问题。门槛模型的结果表明工作时间的影响的确存在差异。工作时间超过9小时会降低员工的工作满意度,而工作时间超过12小时的员工的工作满意度下降幅度更大。异质性分析表明,长时间工作对女性员工工作满意度的影响大于男性员工;未婚人士的工作满意度不受工作时长的影响,而已婚人士的工作满意度则随着工作时间的延长而下降。此外,工作超过12 小时只降低了自我雇佣者的工作满意度,而从事被雇佣的工作在所有门槛上都与较低的工作满意度相关。身体健康状况不佳在长时间工作对工作满意度的不利影响中具有中介作用。最后,长时间工作降低了个人短期的享乐幸福感,但不会影响长期中对生活各个方面的感知和感受。





This study utilizes a threshold model to examine the nonlinear relationship between working hours and job satisfaction, using the open-access data of the 2018 China Family Panel Studies. We address the endogeneity of working hours utilizing an instrumental variable-based two-stage residual inclusion approach. The threshold model shows that the effects are indeed different. Working more than 9 h reduces workers' job satisfaction, and these reductions are even greater among those working more than 12 h. Heterogeneous analysis reveals that working long hours reduces the job satisfaction of female employees more than that of their male counterparts; the job satisfaction of unmarried individuals is unaffected by how long they work, whereas that of married workers declines when they work longer hours. Also, working more than 12 h decreases the job satisfaction of only self-employed workers, while working in wage-employed roles is associated with lower job satisfaction across all the thresholds. Poor physical health mediates the adverse effects of long working hours on job satisfaction. Finally, working long hours reduces individuals' short-run hedonic well-being but does not affect their perceptions and feelings towards various facets of life in the long run.





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